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Case Studies & Testimonials

What can Bactivate do for you? 

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What are people saying about Bactivate?

Rohan Collins – Laurelgold Pty Ltd

Rohan Collins farms Cavendish bananas aiming to supply the premium markets of Australia’s capital cities. Rohan has been using Bactivate products in Sweeter Soils designed programmes for the last 2 years, to both improve his production and fruit quality.

Rohan’s recent comments include: “With the help of Sweeter Soils I was able to achieve a remarkable plant crop the like of which I haven’t seen for 30 years when we were planting into virgin ground” (That is the aim of The Sweeter Soils programmes – to return soils to their naturally healthy and fertile state.) Rohan also commented: “Some areas of the farm were notorious for Erwinia (soil disease) problems. Since I started using the Sweeter Soils approach I haven’t seen a single tree with symptoms.”

Click here to read more


Bill and Dean Sinton – Farmers

Bill and Dean Sinton (A father son farming team) of North Queensland farm Cavendish Bananas in the Innisfail area. After talking to Sweeter Soils about ongoing nematode problems in some blocks they decided to trial the Bactivate range of products to overcome some of the soil and plant issues on their farm.

Dean recently stated: “Initially we applied Bactivate to try and manage nematode issues; 6 months later we saw reduced nematode infection levels; as well as noticing the trees had thicker, deeper roots with a mass of feeder roots. The trees were also more vigorous and deeper set in the soil, as well as an increased bunch size.”

The Bactivate products have promoted soil health allowing the trees to naturally overcome problems that were limiting their growth potential.

Yvette Brady – Greening Australia NT Darwin Nursery

The Greening Australia NT Darwin Nursery has been using Bactivate since December 2010 on a recommendation from a local rural supplies company, Tropigro.

Nursery manager Yvette Brady has said: “As a result of including the additive to our usual medias we have noticed an increased germination percentage, a minimum of 40%, reduced incidence of ‘damping off’ in seedlings, it is now rare and can always be traced back to poor hygiene practice, and a substantial increase in growth rate from seedling size to saleable tube. Thus our lead times for a crop has been reduced from 20 weeks to 14 weeks from pricking out to saleable 50mm tube, even less with some species! Once potted on from tube to a 140mm pot or beyond there is very little further intervention required for either fungal or insect attacks.”

Read the full testimonial here

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