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What can Bactivate do for your crop?



 Joe Sibson – Sugarcane

Burdekin sugarcane grower Joe Sibson sees soil health of great importance on his farm, which has suffered from nematodes and includes marginal land which he has converted into a wetland.

He has been experimenting with Bactivate in an effort to improve soil health on his farm.

Read the article here (as featured in Australian Canegrower magazine)


A & LM Sergi – Table Grapes

Tony Sergi at A & LM Sergi was seeking a way to improve yield while maintaining the fruit quality in their vineyard of Crimson Table Grapes. They have been trialling Bactivate program in order to achieve these results.

Find out more here


 Velisha Brothers Vegetables

The Velisha family farm is recognised for the production of quality vegetables for the fresh market in Melbourne. The Velisha brothers were seeking a sustainable solution to controlling soil-borne diseases in the field and nursery.

By adopting a Bactivate program, they have been able to achieve better root systems, greater yield results, and ultimately a reduction in their fertiliser program.  

Here’s how they did it

Continental Cucumbers and Fusarium Wilt 

Fusarium Oxysporum (F.O.C.) has a devastating effect as a fungal disease in many plant species. Bactivate products were used in a trial on substrate-grown continental cucumbers to see if Bactivate biology could impact the severity of F.O.C. Promising results suggest Bactivate could help suppress disease and improve yield, providing a nearly six-fold return on investment.

Read the full results here.

Bactivate for Almonds

An ongoing trial with a Victorian Almond grower is assessing whether Bactivate products can increase tree yield and quality, ultimately providing long-term economic gain for the farm. Initial results hint at an increase in tree circumference, with more data coming in 2020.

Take a look at the initial results


Desert Garden Produce – Bush tomatoes

Crop farming in Central Australia has a number of barriers to overcome including: extreme climatic conditions, soils that are inherently low in fertility and the tyranny of distance to market. Desert Garden Produce looked to a Bactivate program as a way to improve their soil health and fertility.

A Bactivate program was initiated in 2010 as a way to improve soil health. It has produced outstanding results in yield and resistance to soil-borne diseases.

Read the full case study here


Grassy Spur Olives

Grassy Spur Olives is committed to producing quality olive oil sustainably with minimal chemical use.

They adopted a Bactivate program in order to improve tree health, yield and oil quality. See how their expectations were met by following the link below.

Grassy Spur Olives Case Study 

Bactivate for Potatoes

A South Australian potato farm used the Bactivate program to decrease wastage and increase produce quality in a dry and challenging climate. This resulted in a real return of 6.23 times the cost of supplied product.

Bactivate in Potatoes

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